1376920686336EM_1000Clean Diesel Emulsion
Hydrodynamic blending of proprietary additive at a nano scale to improve combustion and reduce the following:

  • NOx by up to 28%
  • PM by up to 60%
  • Smoke by up to 80%



1366034331753cynergas01Oxyhydrogen Gas Production
A fuel cell that separates ultrapure water into a hydrogen oxygen blend with very little electricity:

  • 85% power to gas generation efficiency
  • Fully ATEX EU Safety Certified
  • Automated operation and safety regulation


1366034312502crakingFuel Oil Long chain Hydrocarbon cracking
Black Wax, Residual Fuel Oil, Heavy Fuel Oil

  • Increase temperature by 30°C in 2 minutes and very little power
  • Improve Pour Point by 15°C in first heat cycle
  • Improve Viscosity by 800% permanently
  • Mitigate impurities, water and crystal structures